Thursday, January 30, 2014

Beautiful Day

I don't know that I'll enjoy writing lyric so much. This is the 2nd lyric that appears in my mind, only few hours after I wrote down the first one. I can't believe it! By the way, I can imagine my self singing this song to my 4 years old kid in the future hahahahaha...

Beautiful Day

Na na na na na
Na na na na na

The sun is smiling
Trees are giggling
And birds are laughing

But why are you crying
I wonder what hurts your feeling

Baby come on
It’s a beautiful day
So don’t bother to cry
Just forget it and play

When Momma said it’s okay
Then you will be okay
Just trust me, let’s play

It’s a beautiful day
So don’t bother to cry
Just forget it and play
Cause it’s a beautiful day!

Na na na na na
Na na na na na

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Independent Girl

I wish that I can write a song, but unfortunately I can't play any music instruments so I just go with the lyric :p
And this is my fisrt song lyric called Independent Girl:

I knew that one day you will go 
But I never expected to be this sudden, you know
We drove fast to catch your fligth
There’s no time to fight

No farewell, no tears
Just some words you whisper to my ear
Then I went back to my car
Finally realized that you were gone
And I’m all alone

Oooh I used to be independent
But your existence makes me dependence
Now I have to start all over again
When I was getting used to get help from my man

But that’s all right,
I can do it again, yeah I can start all over again 

Sometimes things get harder
And I feel like I need your shoulder
But I won’t let this feeling bothers
I just wish that time would run faster

Oooh I used to be independent
But your existence makes me dependence
Now I have to start all over again
When I was getting used to get help from my man

But that’s all right,
I can do it again, yeah I can start all over again 
I can be an independent girl one more time

Monday, January 27, 2014

Best Buy - January

Hey how are you today?

I just got home from the mall to buy some supplies, and there's nothing interesting today so I gess I just going to share you my best buy this month. 

Here they are..

Okay. My first best buy was Mark & Spencer Floral Collection Magnolia Series. I really love the delicate fragrance of the sweet magnolia flowers in this collection, sooo luxurious!

The second best buy this month was a Kidlit, the title is  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien (Princess, Pirate & Alien). I haven't read it yet but I can tell that this book is awesome hahahha! Everybody recommend this book and even my "writing project" manager (who is also my best friend) recommend me to read this book for reference.

Interesting. I can't wait to read the book, I just wish I have enough free time to do so.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cooking Saturday: Strawberry I Scream

Hello, how was your weekend?

I was so busy giving my sisters and my nephew a city tour. Therfore, I apologize for this late post. This post is supposed to be publish yesterday.

Just a quick update, I decided to add the theme "Cooking Saturday" to this blog so I can regularly post my cooking experiment every weekend.

On this Cooking Saturday, I made a cute dessert I called Strawberry I Scream

I don't know if this considered as "cooking" or not because I just grabed straberries and filled them with vanilla ice cream hehehe. Anyway I made this cute dessert for my little sister. She ordered Strawberry Ice Cream when we had dinner together last Friday night and she really love it! Sadly, there was only 3 straberries and she had to share with me :p

The restaurant made strawberry ice cream

So before we went home, I bought a pack of straberries and vanilla ice cream. Yup I decided to remake the dessert so my sister can eat more of it :)

After minutes of cutting and filling...I heard my self scream "Strawberry!!!!!!"

Frozen and messy, my home made strawberry I scream
My sister said the taste is different from the real one, but it still delicious anyway. :D

Friday, January 24, 2014

GIVE AWAY from Beautykorea!!

I just did some blog walking and found an interesting offer from BEAUTYKOREA: A GIVE AWAY!!

I love give away, there is a good feeling that only appear when I join a give away. Maybe that's what you feel when you gamble, but I don't know. I just love to get a chance to win something and waiting for the result. 

Somehow it's just like a life, you get a chance, you take it, but you don't know what will happen next. Random things happen. Some time you win, some time you learn - that you can't be a winner all the time even if you try so hard for it. That's how life works and that's how a give away works too, only when you failed you don't suffer too much. It's fun!

So... do you want to give it a try?
Just click HERE and start wishing. Good luck :*

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Be Kind! It Will Make You Happy.

I wanna be a kind person, a person who do good things without expect anything in return. Since I read a book titled The Happiness Project (I will post about this book soon - promise!) I increasingly believe that by being a kind person, I will be happier person. And what I did last night just prove this thought.

It was around 9:30 PM when i walked from office to the bus stasiun. It was raining and fortunately i didn't forget to bring my umbrella (which I usually forget to bring). And there was a girl, walked beside me with no umbrella. She used her scarf to cover her head, and to my own surprise - I impulsively offered her to walk under my umbrella ... ellla... ellla... e....e....e... (nope, I didn't sing umbrella song when I asked her).

She was surprised and relieved at the same time. And by seeing her expression, I felt instantly happy. I don't know how it works, I just do good things impulsively without expect anything in return, and it makes me happy. So, I think from now on, the title of this post will be one of my life motto.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Won't Give Up!!!!!

Good Morning..

Just a quick update before I have to go to work, I realize that it's actually soooo hard to post something everyday in this blog. I've failed to keep my resolution this far and it's disappointing. I always feel so tired to write after I got home from work, all I wanna do is just go to bed.

So I guess I have to change my strategy. Maybe I have to drag my self to wake up earlier and write something in the morning, just like now.

Hopefully this strategy can help me to keep up with my resolution.

Wish me luck and have a good day :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Churros for Sale(?)

Do you remember my blog post about homemade churros? Well, some days ago my friends at office asked me to bring my homemade churros to office. They wanted to know the taste, is it really as good as it looks like? So I woke up early and made them a jar of churros. 

A jar of homemade churros and cinnamon sugar mix

To my own surprise, they like the taste and some even asked me to sell it. So the next day I brought another churros for sampling. This time, I made it in a heart shape just for fun.

Heart shape churros in hot oil
They sure look really pretty. A little bit overcooked but I heart it!

And for the result, everybody loves it! So I think I shall start selling my homemade churros at my office, but still I need to do many things to make my homemade churros even better. It’s time for another experiments J

Oh I’m excited!!! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ayo Belajar Bahasa Inggris Lagi!

Bagi sebagian orang, mungkin pelajaran bahasa Inggris berhenti di kelas 3 SMA. Apalagi kalau kuliahnya bukan jurusan sastra inggris, seperti saya.

Setelah lulus SMA saya sempet absen belajar bahasa inggris selama beberapa tahun. Ya udah bahasa inggrisnya sekedarnya aja, yang penting bisa nyanyiin lagu-lagu barat favorit, bisa nonton film hollywood sama kalau ada bule nanya alamat bisa jawab pake bahasa Englan (Englis-Tarzan), saya sudah cukup puas.

Tapi semuanya berubah saat negara api menyerang  saya mulai masuk ke dunia kerja. Saya (Alhamdulillah ya Allah) bisa langsung keterima di sebuah ahensi multinasional. Namanya juga multi, di sini bahasa inggrisnya kepake banget, temen kerja - client - director yang dipake seringkali bukan orang Indonesia.

Awal-awal kerja kalau di ruang meeting suka bengong. Ini pada ngomong apaan sih? Kok ga kaya di film-film ya, ngomongnya pada cepet-cepet dan ga jelas gitu.

Tiap malem saya sampai bersihin kuping pake cotton-bud biar ga budeg gitu maksudnya. Sampai akhirnya nyadar bahwasanya yang salah sebenernya bukan si kotoran telinga.

Setelah sadar bahwa saya harus mulai mengasah dan mempertajam lagi kemampuan berbahasa inggris, saya jadi (lumayan) rajin belajar bahasa inggris. Mulai dari sering dengerin lagu top 40, nonton serial tanpa subtitle, sampe beli novel-novel berbahasa inggris. Alhamdulillah makin lama makin kerasa manfaatnya (kaya testimoni pengobatan alternatif aja nih).

Teruuus, kemaren pas lagi browsing tentang idioms, tiba-tiba masuk ke sebuah web yang menurut saya helpful banget buat yang mau belajar bahasa inggris tapi males keluar duit buat bayar les macem saya ni lah. Setiap hari ada satu pelajaran yang berbeda, lengkap dengan mini quiz, mengingatkan saya pada LKS jaman sekolah dulu ;)

Karena menarik dan termakan iming-iming "easy english"- nya saya pun segera bikin account di web itu dan mulai ikutan belajar. Ini dia pelajaran hari kedua saya:

Bagian explanationnya, gampang dimengerti

Bagian quiz-nya, tinggal click jawabannya aja

Setelah 'check answer". Yeay bener smuaaah :D

Pretty easy huh? Oiya, pelajaran yang pernah kita kerjain juga bisa di mark as complete task. Pelajarannya juga cukup komplit, mulai dari vocab, grammar, reading sampai listening. Kalau tertarik ikutan juga, langsung aja buka

Selamat belajar :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Have You Heard About Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

I was disappointed in myself for being lazy to wrote something on this blog yesterday. I mean, I came home early – much earlier than usual because I got home before sunset (anyway that’s a luxury if you work at advertising agency)- but instead of started writing on my laptop, I lied on the couch and watched The 71st Golden Globe Awards. *sigh*

Speaking about the show, there was a comedy series that won many categories on that night, the title is Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I just google the series and found that the story is about an immature detective and his relationship with his strict new captain. I think, maybe it could be my choice of tv series after got tired of following How I Met Your Mother and became bored of CSI. And guess what? It will be aired on Diva starting 9 February (if I’m not mistaken the date).

Oh and the "Old Spice" guy is one of the cast, so can you imagine how funny the series is?

Well, time to shop for popcorn stock!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cooking Day: Hommade Churros

It’s a wet sunday and I heard that some places in Jakarta had already flooded. Some people in twitter even said that the water had already entered a mall. So I prefere to stay dry and safe at home, reading a book or maybe watching TV.

But in the afternoon I already get bored. All shows and movies at Starworld, HBO and FOX are just a rerun. So I decided to cook for fun.

I look for a recipe that is simple and the ingredients are easy to find. And Google provides the answer : Homemade Churros! 

Flour, sugar, salt, water. Great, there are no egg required, i think i can make it. So I immediately look for the ingredients and a few minutes later I was busy making Churros from scratch.

And voila!

Homemade Churros, my delicious afternoon snack.

Hot chocolate will be a perfect complement, but unfortunately I can't find any at the pantry. But it's okay, it still feels heavenly to enjoy a rainy afternoon with the result of my first try that turned out really delicious. :D

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Writer That Doesn't Lazy to Write

It feels like it’s been forever since the last time I updated this blog. I admit, I'm too lazy to write. Funny, I'm a copywriter – I make a living from writing, but I'm too lazy to write anything but work related scripts or headlines or bodycopy (those I sometimes feel lazy to do, but I have to).

So in the name of new year spirit, I want to make a resolution to write anything on this blog every day. I’ll try to write mostly in English because on my annual review at work, my supervisor told me to write in English more frequently to improve my writing skill. So, I’m sorry if the grammar isn’t perfect, I'm still working on it :)

Getting back on topic, so here's my resolutions in 2014:
“Be a writer that doesn’t lazy to write by write anything on this blog every day.”

And this resolution begins tomorrow today.